• LocationRickmansworth, Hertfordshire, High Street, WD3 1ER**
  • Our Working HoursOpening times: 24 hours a day*
  • Phone Us!Call Now: 0344 947 0957

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Rickmansworth Drainage Testimonials

Customer Name: David Lincoln (Marketing Director, Universal Logic ltd).
Thank you for your courteous manner, your speedy response, your professionalism and efficiency

Want to speak to an expert?
Call: 0344 947 0957

Example Of Our Drainage Services

These systems allow for narrower pipes than normal to be used to transport waste away from a property, usually installed because refitting the drainage system would be a more expensive option.

A macerator uses a rotating cutting blade to liquefy the human waste and toilet paper, and then pumps the liquefied effluence out using a pump system. This system is also used where the toilet is on a lower floor to the drain system (i.e. a basement toilet). "Saniflow" is a brand of macerator.
